Starting from the 2017 World Congress in Toulouse (France), IFAC has established an Industry Committee (IndCom), reporting to the IFAC Council. The goals of the committee are to:
- Strengthen the engagement of industry and industry representatives in IFAC activities
- Enhance the value of IFAC to industry
- Help control research realize its full potential for industry impact
- Help research and education in academia be better informed by industry perspectives
Since its inception, the IndCom has launched several initiatives in pursuit of these goals. Examples of outputs include,, and Several additional activities are under way.
The committee currently numbers about 100 members, more than half of whom are affiliated with industry (most of the rest have had substantial industry experience over their careers). The Industry Committee welcomes additional members with significant industry experience. If you are interested please contact the IndCom chair, Keven Brooks (
For more information on the Industry Committee and its activities, have a look at the Industry Committee webpage.