IFAC membership applications

IFAC Membership Applications should be concise and submitted to the .
The following information must be provided by the proposer/ NMO candidate organization.

  1. Personal Information: Name, position, contact data and CV of the proposer’s chair person or representative.
  2. Information about the proposed NMO (history, structure, link to web presence, etc.)
  3. Membership Statistics (Relevant membership data over the past six years; e.g., members’ count, members’ composition, etc.)
  4. Activity Statistics: Names and short descriptions of control-related conferences, workshops and other technical events that have been organized in the past nine years, as well as journals that are run by the proposing organization. Description of further technical activities.
  5. Financial Capability: A statement on how the payment of the membership fee is ensured and to what extent the financial risk of organizing IFAC technical events can be taken has to be provided.
  6. Scope: A statement on the proposer’s areas of expertise and the connection to IFAC’s scope has to be given.
  7. Constitution: The proposer’s constitution has to be provided.
  8. Code of Conduct: A statement expressing the proposer’s willingness to adopt the IFAC Code of Conduct has to be presented.
  9. Competitors: A list of other control-related organizations from the country of the proposer has to be provided.
  10. List of References: A list of up to five reference contacts, who might be approached to give a statement about the proposer, is to be provided.