CC 1 - Systems and Signals
Alessandro Chiuso
TC 1.1. Modelling, Identification and Signal Processing
Guillaume Mercère
TC 1.2. Adaptive and Learning Systems
Tiago Roux Oliveira
TC 1.3. Discrete Event and Hybrid Systems
Carla Seatzu
TC 1.4. Stochastic Systems
Yilin Mo
TC 1.5. Networked Systems
Luca Schenato
CC 2 - Design Methods
Laura Menini
TC 2.1. Control Design
Sergio Galeani
TC 2.2. Linear Control Systems
Elena Zattoni
TC 2.3. Non-Linear Control Systems
Hiroshi Ito
TC 2.4. Optimal Control
Gabriele Pannocchia
TC 2.5. Robust Control
Constantino Lagoa
TC 2.6. Distributed Parameter Systems
Yann Le Gorrec
CC 3 - Computers, Cognition and Communication
Thierry Marie Guerra
TC 3.1. Computers for Control
Mike Barth
TC 3.2. Computational Intelligence in Control
Kevin Guelton
TC 3.3. Telematics: Control via Communication Networks
Lei Ma
CC 4 - Mechatronics, Robotics and Components
Reza Moheimani
TC 4.1. Human Machine Systems
Sören Hohmann
TC 4.2. Mechatronic Systems
Wolfgang Kemmetmüller
TC 4.3. Robotics
Kyoungchul Kong
CC 5 - Cyber-Physical Manufacturing Enterprises
Dmitry Ivanov
TC 5.1. Manufacturing Plant Control
Marco Macchi
TC 5.2. Management and Control in Manufacturing and Logistics
Fabio Sgarbossa
TC 5.3. Integration and Interoperability of Enterprise Systems (I2ES)
Li Qing
TC 5.4. Large Scale Complex Systems
Wei Ren
CC 6 - Process and Power Systems
Rolf Findeisen
TC 6.1. Chemical Process Control
Jong Min Lee
TC 6.2. Mining, Mineral and Metal Processing
Chris Aldrich
TC 6.3. Power and Energy Systems
Michela Robba
TC 6.4. Fault Detection,Supervision&Safety of Techn.Processes-SAFEPROCESS
Vicenc Puig Cayuela
CC 7 - Transportation and Vehicle Systems
Roberto Galeazzi
TC 7.1. Automotive Control
Lars Eriksson
TC 7.2. Marine Systems
Andrea Monteriu
TC 7.3. Aerospace
Paolo Castaldi
TC 7.4. Transportation Systems
Tankut Acarman
TC 7.5. Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles
Zdzislaw Kowalczuk
CC 8 - Bio- and Ecological Systems
Ronald van Nooijen
TC 8.1. Control in Agriculture
Timo Oksanen
TC 8.2. Biological and Medical Systems
Balazs Benyo
TC 8.3. Modelling and Control of Environmental Systems
Marialuisa Volta
TC 8.4. Biosystems and Bioprocesses
Jesus Pico i Marco
CC 9 - Social Systems
Fei-Yue Wang
TC 9.1. Economic, Business, and Financial Systems
Xiao Wang
TC 9.2. Systems and Control for Societal Impact
Mariana Netto
TC 9.3. Control for Smart Cities
Xiaoyu Cao
TC 9.4. Control Education
Antonio Visioli
TC 9.5. Technology, Culture and International Stability (TECIS)
Bahadur Ibrahimov