IFACx labeled conferences for 2025

IFAC co-sponsorship “light” for NMOs: IFACx: This service allows IFAC NMOs to give an IFAC label to some domestic technical events organized under their supervision.

Each NMO can request the IFACx COUNTRY/REGION label for at most 2 domestic events. These may typically be a domestic Conference + one other event such as a summer school, a Webinar series, etc.
The labeled events are not bound to be held in English. IFAC has no financial liability with respect to these events. The technical and scientific quality is the responsibility of the NMO, without any verification by IFAC. The events should be well aligned with IFAC ́s mission of promoting automatic control, and
respectful of IFAC’s code of conduct www.ifac-control.org/about.

Application Document:
In a single document, the NMO should provide for each event:
- Name of the event, location, dates
- Type of event: Conference, School, etc.
- Website (will be used by IFAC to promote the event)
- Short description (typically 1 or 2 sentences)

Validation by IFAC:
All submitted requests shall receive the approval of the Technical Board and Conference Board Chairs.
Approval ensures advertisement of the event in the IFAC channels (website, newsletter, social media etc.)
and gives the right to use the "IFACx COUNTRY/REGION" logo.

The following events were approved for 2025

Name of the event, location, dates.
1) Simpósio Brasileiro de Automação Inteligente (SBAI 2025), XVII Brazilian Symposium on Intelligent Automation, São João del-Rei, Brazil, 29/07/2025 to 01/08/2025.

2) Simpósio Brasileiro de Sistemas Elétricos (SBSE 2025), XI Brazilian Symposium on Electrical Systems, São João del-Rei, Brazil, 29/07/2025 to 01/08/2025.
Type of event: Conference, School, etc. Joint national symposia.

Short description: These two Symposia are biannually organized by the SBA. They are the main scientific events on Intelligent Systems, Automation, and Control (SBAI) and on Electrical Systems (SBSE), including control, automation and optimization, of the Brazilian community and the bigger conferences in their respective areas in Latin America. Usually, SBAI receives 650 submissions and accepts about 450 papers; SBSE receives 430 works and accepts around 300 papers. In both events, papers can be written in Portuguese, English, or Spanish and are subject to a rigorous peer-review process.

SAGIP Annual Congress
Location and dates: Mulhouse, 21-23 May, 2025
Preliminary website: https://gdr-macs.fr/node/4887

Abstract: The third Annual Congress of SAGIP, IFAC NMO in France, will be held in Mulhouse, May 21-23, 2025. As previous events in the series, it will gather the Automation and Control scientists and engineers from all research academic and industrial centers in France. The program includes plenary and semi-plenary presentations, dedicated workshops and parallel technical sessions of presentations selected by the SAGIP Editorial Board composed of the Chairs of the SAGIP Technical Committees. The event includes presentations about IFAC and IFAC related activities in France.

MACS fall seminar
Location and dates: Paris, 14-16 October, 2025
Preliminary website: https://gdr-macs.fr/node/4864

Abstract: The seminar will be the second in a series started in 2024 with an event dedicated to Multi-Agent Systems. The 2025 event will take place in Paris during 2 days programmed between October 14th and 16th. The seminar will include: tutorial presentations on the state of the art; presentations of recent results both from the MACS network and for connected research fields; poster sessions by PhD students; a round table on prospectives in the field.

1) the annual German AUTOMATION congress
Name, location, dates: VDI Congress AUTOMATION,
Congress Center Baden-Baden,
July 1 and 3, 2025 (annually)
Type of event: Conference
Website: https://www.vdi-wissensforum.de/automatisierungskongress/
Short description:
The AUTOMATION is the leading congress in measurement and automation technology and a partner event of the VDI Wissensforum and the VDI/VDE -GMA. With up to six parallel tracks, the congress is the largest networking event in the field of automation, bringing together science and industry in Germany. This congress is a call for paper event with paper selection by a program committee consisting of experts of ac ademia and industry. The topics covered are: Factory Automation, Process automation, Methods and synergies, Automation Technology, Artificial Intelligence & Autonomous Systems, Industrial Communication and Data Science for Automation.

2) annual scientific workshop
Name, location, dates: Joint workshop of technical committees “Modeling, identification and simulation in automation” and “Systems theory and control”,
Anif near Salzburg, Austria, September 2025 (annually)
Type of event: Scientific Workshop
Website: https://tu-dresden.de/ing/elektrotechnik/rst/das-institut/gma-fa-2-14
Short description:
Two technical committees of GMA's automation technology methodology division organize an annual joint workshop with lectures and intensive discussion. Traditionally, this workshop of the German member organization GMA takes place near Salzburg in Austria. The GMA Technical Committee 2.13 is dedicated to questions of modeling, identification and simulation of dynamic systems at the interface to control engineering. The focus is on theoretical aspects and numerical methods as well as concrete applications from industry and research. The GMA Technical Committee 2.14 deals with current developments in control theory and their application in the industrial environment. The main topics are model predictive control of dynamic systems, nonlinear observers and state estimators as well as control of networked and distributed parametric systems.

Name of the event, location, dates: Summer School SIDRA 2025, Bertinoro, July 7-12,
- Type of event: Summer school for PhD students in systems and control
- Website: https://sidra2025.dei.unibo.it/ (under construction), see this year’s website
- Short description: The SIDRA PhD School on Automatica is organized annually by the Italian
Society of PhD and Researchers in Automatica1 in July in the beautiful location of Bertinoro. It
consists of a week of classes (two parallel courses by renown international researchers in the
field) held in a friendly and stimulating environment.

Name of the event, location, dates: 68th Japan Joint Automatic Control Conference (JJACC), Nagoya, Japan, November 1 (Sat) and 2 (Sun), 2025

Type: Conference

Website: https://www.jsme.or.jp/conference/rengo68

Short description: JJACC has been held annually since 1958 and is organized by the Japan NMO, which is part of the Science Council of Japan. The conference is sponsored by seven societies related to automatic control including SICE (The Society of Instrument and Control Engineers), ISCIE (The Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers), and JSME (The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers).

Name of the event: 2025 The 40th ICROS Annual Conference (ICROS 2025)

Location: Jeonbuk National University, Jeonbuk, Korea
Dates: June 25~27, 2025
Type of event: Conference
Short description:
ICROS 2025 is the leading domestic annual conference of ICROS (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems). The conference’s main themes are control and robotics, and the language is Korean.

Event 1 (Congress)
o Name: 20th Latin American Control Congress (LACC 2025)
o Location: Cancún, Mexico.
o Dates: October 13-17, 2025.
o Website: http://amca.mx/congresos/clca2025/
o Description: The 20th Latin American Congress on Automatic Control 2025 (LACC
2025) seeks to unite the Latin American scientific community dedicated to automatic
control and related disciplines. In 2025, the LACC will be hosted by the NMO AMCA
(Asociación de México de Control Automático) in cooperation with Mexican
academic institutions.

Event 2 (Summer School)
o Name: Escuela de Verano de Control Automático.
o Location: Puebla, Mexico.
o Dates: August 7-8, 2025.
o Website: https://amca.mx/escuelas/ev2025/
o Description: The AMCA-Summer School is mainly intended for master's and Ph.D.
students, researchers, and scholars interested in the theory and practice of automatic
control and new and emergent related areas.

Name of the Event: 25th International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science
Location: Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers, Bucharest, Romania
Dates: 27-30 May 2025
Type of event: Conference
Website: https://25.cscs-conference.com/
Short description: The International Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science (CSCS), which has been organized as a biennial event for the last 50 years by the Romanian Society of Control Engineering and Technical Informatics (SRAIT) and the Faculty of Automatic Control and Computers in Bucharest, reaches its 25th edition in 2025.
The CSCS is the longest series of international technical conferences in Romania gathering, throughout the years, experts and innovators from the convergence of Control Systems and Computer Science fields. The topics are focused on classical, advanced and intelligent control theory, Machine Learning, AI, computational technologies, and their advancements in autonomous robotics, intelligent system design, bioengineering, cyber-physical systems, big data analytics, cloud computing, healthcare, smart manufacturing, IoT, cyber security, smart cities and real-time decision-making.

Name of the event, location, dates: 25th International Conference on Process Control,
Strbske Pleso, Slovakia, June 3-6.2025
Type of event: Conference
Website: https://www.process-control.sk/
Short description: The conference's objective is to bring together theory experts and control systems practitioners to evaluate the new avenues for techniques, design procedures and instruments in process control. This conference has a long tradition of inviting plenary speakers who are at the top of their fields while opening the possibility of submitting papers in 4 main domains, like Linear and Nonlinear Control, Optimization and Computing in Control, Machine Learning and Control, and Sustainable Industrial Production and Applications.

Name of the event, location, dates: Jornadas de Automática 2025, Cartagena, Spain, 3-5 September 2025
Type of event: Conference
Website: https://jautomatica.es

Short description: "Jornadas de Automática" is the CEA flagship event. It is an annual event with more than 40 years of history. The event brings together a large number of control professors and researchers from all over Spain and other countries. The event presents scientific works but also addresses issues of interest to the industrial community.

Name of the event: CEA Webinars. Online via Zoom and scheduled once a month on Thursdays at 18:00 (GMT +1).
Type of event: Series of Webinars
Website: https://www.ceautomatica.es/blog/2018/02/10/webinarizate/
Short description: This event represents an opportunity to learn and share the experiences of researchers facing the challenges that arise in the field of automatic control. The presentations are planned to address a wide variety of topics, such as robotics, intelligent control, or control engineering, among others.

-    Type of event: Conference
-    Website https://reglermote2025.control.lth.se/
-    Short description:

Reglermötet 2025 (“Swedish Control Conference 2025”) will be held at Lund University on 11-13 June, 2025. The aim is to create new networks and strengthening knowledge for teachers, doctoral students and TA staff in the field of automatic control – and to be a forum for contacts between industry, universities and colleges. The language of the conference is English.
